A Seeking Heart with guest Rachel Balducci

 "No Such Thing as Ordinary: Unlocking your Extraordinary Life through Everyday Encounters with Jesus," is the topic of this episode. Allison and Rachel dive into:

  • Latest season of "The Gist" on www.catholictv.org/the-gist.html
  • Why the woman at the well, St. Photina, is the vehicle for this book.
  • What brought Rachel to the brink of a good snot cry during Moana
  • How accomplishing all the world has to give will still leave you thirsty
  • Some of the difficult things God calls us to — trust, surrender, healing
  • The Problem with Comparison
  • Featured NOW as the CatholicMom.com Summer Book Club! 
Learn more about Rachel Balducci on RachelBalducci.com and be sure to follow her on Instagram; the book can be found on AveMariaPress.com 


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