A Seeking Heart with Christy Wilkens

 Allison talks with Christy about the amazing, powerful, and inspiring story behind her new book: Awakening at Lourdes: How an Unanswered Prayer Healed Our Family and Restored Our Faith (Ave Maria Press)

Christy takes you through a rollercoaster of emotions, as you travel with her to Lourdes, into the baths, through the streets of France, and back home. The struggle, navigating the highs and lows of parenting a sick child, all while wrestling with your faith. Our conversation opened my eyes and heart to what God can do when your prayers are answered according to His perfect plan instead of ours!

**Recommended by Christy: Don't have a bookstore local? How about supporting bookshops by shopping with www.bookshop.org
Also shared during the podcast: Are you a Catholic parent of a child with special needs? Don't miss this invaluable resource: www.acceptingthegift.org/

Learn more about Christy, her continuing story, and how to purchase her book at: www.christywilkens.com 


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