A Seeking Heart with guest, Ann Garrido

In this episode, Allison speaks with #Rules_of_Engagement author, Ann Garrido to discuss her new book — 8 Christian Habits for Being Good and Doing Good Online.
*Have you heard of World Communication Day? We discuss several specifically powerful addresses from Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.
*Things to consider when engaging online — clarify your purpose, value the person, KNOW your sources (even legit ones can slant the news, or bait with a  misleading headline).
*What do Moose and Squirrels have in common?
*Remember below every Avatar is a whole person, while we don't want to "feed the trolls" we absolutely want to open doors to meaningful human interaction. Ann gives valuable insights on how to do that, including good questions to ask.
*Prompts to examine our online conscience and become more intentional.
*Sign the #Rules_of_Engagement pledge: https://www.anngarrido.com/rules ways to be leaven, that small grain in the midst of the all noise of social media that brings Christ's presence into the world.
To learn more visit:  www.anngarrido.com

Find Ann on Facebook:  AnnGarridoMin


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