A Seeking Heart with guest, Julianne Stanz

In this episode, Allison welcomes Start with Jesus author, Juilanne Stanz.

  • Speaks to people in the pews (the everyday Catholic) calling according to their Baptism to be missionary disciple, an evangelist, a witness. Perhaps these seem like confusing terms, Julianne simply explains and empowers.
  • The blessings of the "great pause" of the pandemic (while still acknowledging the pain and suffering which accompanied it as well).
  • Are you a "tabernacle with feet?"
  • An interesting take on one of my favorite quotes from #SaintPosse favorite Ven. Patrick Peyton "The Parish that Prays Together Stays Together." Praying with others can be awkward and even uncomfortable but when lead by the Spirit is awe-inspiring and powerful!
  • Each chapter offers a "Taking Action" section a place to breathe life into what we've learned or experienced in the text. 
Julianne Stanz' website: https://www.juliannestanz.com
Please consider visiting your local Catholic Book Store to purchase your copy of Start with Jesus: How Everyday Disciples Will Renew the Church.


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