A Seeking Heart with guest Emily Jaminet

Today Allison invites Emily on to discuss the Sacred Heart of Jesus devotion:
  • Our conversation in this episode is framed around Emily's awesome book: Secrets of the Sacred Heart: Twelve Ways to Claim Jesus' Promises in Your Life (Ave Maria Press).
  • I had a MILLION sticky notes, it was hard to pick a few topics to focus on, the devotion is so rich and beautiful.
  • Why is this a "Devotion for Our Time."
  • Difference between the world's idea of peace and the peace Jesus gives.
  • First Friday Devotion and Feast of the Sacred Heart - easy ways to push the Spiritual RESET Button.
  • Enthronement to the Sacred Heart - sounds fancy but it is actually as simple as you want to make it. Devotions are flexible and special as you can embrace them in whatever way you feel most comfortable.
Emily Jaminet's website: https://www.emilyjaminet.com/
Secrets of the Sacred Heart: https://amzn.to/3yWNx5N (affiliate link)

Welcome His Heart: https://welcomehisheart.com/


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