A Seeking Heart with guest, Julianne Stanz
In this episode, Allison welcomes Start with Jesus author, Juilanne Stanz. Speaks to people in the pews (the everyday Catholic) calling according to their Baptism to be missionary disciple, an evangelist, a witness. Perhaps these seem like confusing terms, Julianne simply explains and empowers. The blessings of the "great pause" of the pandemic (while still acknowledging the pain and suffering which accompanied it as well). Are you a "tabernacle with feet?" An interesting take on one of my favorite quotes from #SaintPosse favorite Ven. Patrick Peyton "The Parish that Prays Together Stays Together." Praying with others can be awkward and even uncomfortable but when lead by the Spirit is awe-inspiring and powerful! Each chapter offers a "Taking Action" section a place to breathe life into what we've learned or experienced in the text. Links: Julianne Stanz' website: https://www.juliannestanz.com Free Resources: www.LoyolaP...